četrtek, junij 22, 2006

Some new news

Hello, yesterday I have exam but I did some stupid mistakes, so I have bad thilings about him. But thew minutes after him I remember thew new right thinks, so the test pretty blow me down. Anywhay I have kerchief my hand because some truck driver close my road when I was with bike.
It's about 14 days. Today I have to picture my hand again and I hope that I get green light that it's ok now. The temperatures are rising its getting hotter and hotter every day. About 30 degrees.

četrtek, junij 01, 2006

Learning for school

I'm learning for school Rk I hope I will manage this exam it pretty haevy. Wish me good luck. In last three days we have some cold wheather. Anywhy I hope to go to Franja this year bicycle marathon day. I see that I must learn preety much more, than I know now.
See you. :)